High Speed Signal Processing Systems (HS2PS)

High-speed signal processing systems' technological and scientific foundation

Date of approval: 2019 June 17

Core Secretary: Dr. Hossein Haqbin


Core activity axes

  • modeling, simulation, and analysis of systems based on reprogrammable CPUs
  • FPGA implementation of commonly used algorithms from a variety of industries and the potential for updating them with a focus on fault resistance
  • Creating and modeling systems for online monitoring, damage prediction, and lifespan estimation
  • Use of FPGAs for signal and image processing as well as channel coding techniques



  • Analyzing, modeling, and simulating systems using reconfigurable processors
  • The FPGA implementation of widely used algorithms in a variety of industries, as well as the possibility of updating them with a flaw-resistant approach.
  • Using IoT-based IR and visible image processing to examine the security of various surroundings
  • Modeling and constructing systems that can monitor data online, forecast damage, and estimate lifetime
  • Signal and image processing, as well as channel coding methods, on FPGAs