Data Science and Machine Learning

Data Science and Machine Learning Research Core

Date of approval: 2020 September 5

Core Secretary: Dr. Hossein Haqbin


Core activity axes

  • building a strong line of communication with the business community to determine the needs for research and to conduct data science projects both inside and outside of the institution.
  • Creating a suitable framework for interdisciplinary collaboration to create theses for supplemental data science education.
  • Hosting scientific conferences and journals for data science clubs and inviting representatives from institutions and businesses to these conferences



  • Publishing academic papers in top journals and data science conferences
  • Conducting data science research projects both inside and outside of the university.
  • Holding scientific conferences, publishing publications of data science clubs, and inviting representatives of organizations and businesses to these conferences
  • Establishing an appropriate framework for interdisciplinary collaboration in order to specify theses for supplemental studies in the data science sector
  • Building a strong communication channel with the business community to comprehend the needs for data science research